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Wonder! See The 'Actual' Meaning Of Dab

Wonder! See The 'Actual' Meaning Of Dab

It has been severally said that religion should not interfere with other aspects of the human life, but it has proven to be stubborn.

These days, an innovation is given 'devilish' links such that people become afraid to buy or do anything unless they want their religious leader to go against it.

Dabbing is the latest and it has also been attached to the religious world, saying it is from the devil.

When I first heard it, I taught it was a joke someone was trying to play, but it is fast spreading, and now people would stop dancing.

The Dab is a dance in which the dancer simultaneously drops the head while raising an arm and the elbow in a gesture that has been noted to resemble sneezing.

I remember someone telling me her story of how they were told not to attend social activities in camp, because people were dancing, singing and dramatising at the said place. An activity that is supposed to be compulsory? - So going against authority is now the way out?

Dabbing according to this person means 'demonstrating antichrist's bow'.

So we no fit dance again? Na wa o!

See the meaning of 'dab' given by a 'concerned' individual:

Wonder! See The 'Actual' Meaning Of Dab Reviewed by Unknown on 11:38:00 Rating: 5

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