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Unapologetic Atheist, Majid Michel, Repents

Unapologetic Atheist, Majid Michel, Repents

Ghanaian actor (Or actor from Ghana, as he calls it), Majid Michel, who was formerly known as a die hard atheist (belief that God does not exist), has turned a new leaf, and believes strongly in the existence of God.

He made this known in a post on Instagram, saying he has not spoken to God because he was told that God does not exist and he foolishly believed. 

Like other atheists turned believers, he has found the light and we hope the light stays with him.

See his post below:

Lord God i have never spoken to you. But now i want to do you do? You see God, they told me you didn't exist and like a fool i believed all this. Last night from standing outside, i saw your sky and i figured right then they had told me a lie. Had i taken time to see the things you made i'd have known they weren't calling a spade a spade. I wonder God if you'll take my hand. Somehow i feel that u'd understand. Funny i had to come to this hellish place before i had time to see your face. Well i guess there isn't much more to say but I'm sure glad God i met you today. Like the zero hour will soon be here but I'm not afraid since i know you are near . The signal... well...God I'll have to go. i like you lots i want you to know. Looks like this will be a horrible fight who knows, i may come to your house tonight. Though i wasn't friendly to you before i wonder God if U'll wait at your door. Look...I'm crying... i'm shedding tears i'll have to go now God, goodbye...., since i met you, I'm not afraid to die . #LEADERSHIP.
A photo posted by @majidmichelmm on
Unapologetic Atheist, Majid Michel, Repents Reviewed by Teyus on 08:36:00 Rating: 5


  1. That quote is from ravi zacharias in one lf his

  2. And so what ?
    This is no news and no strange. That's his change of religion amd who cares ?
    Its choices. Im not an atheist and not a christian neither, but shut the f*ck up if youve decided to believe if there is a supernatural human being up in de sky.
    Remember many people are also exiting christianity becaise they've also realised phalacy and decided to deal with philosophy.
    No need to even post this. I therefore find it nonesense to emphasize on this.
    Life is full of choices.

  3. And so what ?
    This is no news and no strange. That's his change of religion amd who cares ?
    Its choices. Im not an atheist and not a christian neither, but shut the f*ck up if youve decided to believe if there is a supernatural human being up in de sky.
    Remember many people are also exiting christianity becaise they've also realised phalacy and decided to deal with philosophy.
    No need to even post this. I therefore find it nonesense to emphasize on this.
    Life is full of choices.

    1. Useless fellow go get a life fool I hope you gave your self life animal who cares if you believe in God or not curse heaven is too busy to bother about you.

  4. Hhhmm#human being just dey talk anyhow#

  5. This aquarium of a person, be careful of what you say so as not to draw the wrath of God to yourself *it won't be funny

  6. How pleasant light is to the eyes....congratulations Majid! The heavens are glad that their son is home!!!

  7. @Natural view Aquarium or what ever you are. God has received a precious soul and its dear to us the christians..Funny enough you are confuse and don't even know what its is you in its true essense need a controller , who conrols you?

  8. Yes, life is full of choices. The choice u make here on earth determines where and how u will spend ur eternity. Kindly choose wisely. Congratulations Mr Majid.

  9. U guys are reducing urslf to @aquarium just pray he sees the light like maid. .


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