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Beyoncé’s Lemonade Album Trailer Lands Her In Court

Beyoncé’s Lemonade Album Trailer Lands Her In Court 

Beyoncé’s Lemonade is believed by many to be her way of connecting to her fans regarding her struggle with a cheating husband and what seemed to be a reoccurring incident (between her parents).

The question now is, what if the story wasn’t true?
Matthew Fulks is suing Beyoncé and her record label, claiming that "Lemonade" trailer completely stole ideas from his 2014 short film, "Palinoia." In the suit, he says his project also depicted a "tumultuous relationship."

He says Lemonade has a slew of images similar to his movie. Specifically, characters in front of graffiti-covered walls, red tinted images, dimly lit parking garages and closeup shots of "overgrown grass." There are more ... Fulks says he knows a Senior VP at Columbia Music, Beyoncé’s label, who saw "Palinoia" sometime in 2015 and he thinks that’s when the ideas for "Lemonade" were stolen... which started shooting at the end of 2015.

compare both from their clips:

Beyoncé’s Lemonade Album Trailer Lands Her In Court Reviewed by aisha adams on 16:39:00 Rating: 5

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