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Risk Of Hypertension Grows Higher In NIgeria

Risk Of Hypertension Grows Higher In Nigeria

medical experts have reported that 28.9 Nigerians are hypertensive and thus, foresee a future of impending risk in the growth of Hypertension, Stroke, Diabetes, and other non- communicable diseases.

Casmir Amadi, a Consultant Cardiologist at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), mention that Cardiovascular diseases have become a public health concern while speaking at a symposium on Cardiovascular Diseases organized by Kraft Heinz.

He said; "Hypertension is the leading factor for incidence of stroke in Nigeria which happens to be the principal Cardiovascular disease in the country. in this part of the world, people always live a sedentary lifestyle coupled with unhealthy leaving habit."

Kraft Heinz manager for West and Central Africa, Vincent Egbe explained that little or no information of these NCDs caused Nigerians not to pay much attention to the symptoms, adding that, the symposium was for  health  professionals in order to discuss the issue.

“Every individual loss to NCDs is an individual that could have been very productive to the country. On his part, the Medical Detailing Manager, Kraft Heinz Company, Mr. Victor Rowland, said as a result of the unhealthy eating habits as well as sedentary life style of a large chunk of the Nigerian populace, Kraft Heinz has introduced Complain, a nutritional supplement that is fortified with nine essential amino acids, thus ensuring optimal protein content. He explained that complain is skimmed milk which is devoid of milk fat but contains healthy vegetable fat with proven benefits to health. Complain consumed in not more than two servings per day. It also provides micronutrients the body requires among other."

Risk Of Hypertension Grows Higher In NIgeria Reviewed by aisha adams on 11:27:00 Rating: 5

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