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Plantain Seller To Conductor- Timaya And Hard Work!!

Plantain Seller To Conductor- Timaya And Hard Work!! 

In his early age, he was a plantain seller then, God opened his way and he hit our national screen and came out a star, all of a sudden, he is going back to the streets, as a conductor.

Imagine Oshodi was in Denmark and Timaya was standing on a bus shouting "Oshodi, Mile12" and asking people to come down over the fact that he doesn't have change.

The video you are about to see, reveals Timaya in Denmark, hanging on a bus, calling and dropping passengers that include other starts like Lil Kesh and Olamide.

Plantain Seller To Conductor- Timaya And Hard Work!! Reviewed by aisha adams on 09:12:00 Rating: 5

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