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Neymar Apologizes For Misconduct

Neymar Apologizes For Misconduct

Neymar has apologized for an Instagram post that caused controversy following Brazil's Copa America exit at the hands of Peru.

Following his country's 1-0 defeat on Sunday night, the Barcelona attacker posted a picture to his 51 million followers.

The caption spoke of his pride to wear the Brazil shirt, and said that,after this disappointment,

Now, again on Instagram, the 24-year-old has issued an apology for the language he used in his previous message.
Meus cinco minutos no Brasil foram suficientes para perceber que meu post/desabafo no Instagram tinha tido uma repercussão negativa, gigante por aqui. O que ouvi das pessoas que me receberam no aeroporto foi que eu "me excedi"... Admito... Sim, eu "me excedi. PEDIR DESCULPAS a todos os que se sentiram ofendidos é o mínimo que posso fazer. Escrevi aquilo após o resultado do Brasil contra o Peru, e fiquei muito chateado com a eliminação e revoltado com as palavras que ouvi e li dirigidas aqueles atletas, afinal sou parte daquele grupo. Há uma minoria que também "se excede" com o microfone ou a caneta em mãos, mas como disse, é uma minoria. Mirei em meia dúzia e acertei em milhares, milhões... Acabei de ler um artigo do Renato Rodrigues, da ESPN, com o título 'Neymar expôs o "nós contra eles", que não é bom para ninguém no futebol brasileiro'. Concordo com ele. Essa discussão não é boa para o nosso futebol e sem querer caí na armadilha. A camisa amarela é muito vitoriosa e para voltarmos a vencer precisamos estar juntos e principalmente nos respeitarmos e conhecermos as dificuldades uns dos outros. E no meu post faltei com o respeito com todos, jornalistas e fãs. Agora é pedir desculpas e seguir em frente, aproveitar o restante de minhas férias e daqui a pouco começar a preparação para as Olimpíadas. É o nosso objetivo agora.
A photo posted by Nj 🇧🇷 👻 neymarjr (@neymarjr) on
Here's the translation
five minutes in Brazil were enough to realize that my post / rant on Instagram had had a negative impact, giant here. What I have heard of people who received me at the airport was that I "overdid" ... I admit ... Yes, I "overdid. APOLOGISE to all who were offended is the least I can do. Wrote that after the result of Brazil against Peru, and I was very upset with the elimination and disgusted with the words I heard and read targeted those athletes, after all I am part of that group. There is a minority that also "exceeds" with microphone or pen in hand, but as I said, is a minority. I aimed and hit half a dozen in thousands, millions ... I just read an article by Renato Rodrigues, ESPN, entitled 'Neymar exposed the "us against them", which is not good for anyone in Brazilian football'. I agree with him. This discussion is not good for our football and inadvertently fell into the trap. The yellow jersey is very successful and return to win we need to be together and especially in respecting and know the difficulties each other. And in my post I missed with respect to all journalists and fans. Now is apologize and move on, enjoy the rest of my vacation and some here begin preparation for the Olympics. It is our goal now.
Neymar Apologizes For Misconduct Reviewed by Dipo Sobaki on 12:27:00 Rating: 5

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