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Must Read: Daddy Freeze On Foreign Accent

Must Read: Daddy Freeze On Foreign Accent

OAP Freeze has spoken on the use of foreign accent by Nigerian girls and radio/TV presenters. 

That issue I personally have argued with some Nigerians. You hear Nigerians using accent and spitting out 'incorrect' grammar. So what exactly is the use of the accent? You just wake up one morning and decide that you should be talking like foreigners? Maka why?

Daddy Freeze's post was informed from a disease - foreign accent syndrome.

It was reported that a woman woke up from surgery and started using foreign accent to speak, and the disease was quickly christened. 

OAP Freeze gives us details of the pills and has a pill for those that are plagued with this disease...

See his post:

Oyinbo people sha..... How could they say that 'Foreign accent syndrome' is rare and bizarre? It happens everyday here to Nigerian babes and radio presenters! Once they get a visa to Dubai or Malaysia they automatically fall ill with this sickness. We Radio personalities have been known to contract this incurable illness, as soon as a microphone is switched on. Symptoms include mild to severe attitude change, hallucinations, slurring or exaggerating the letter 'R' and overnight BRITISH or American accent, or in rare cases a combination of both British and American accents. It can't be cured but symptoms can somewhat be managed, though prognosis is not good, and 90% of the time, identity can become blurred and personality disoriented, leading to various degrees of psychological problems******** I have some pills that sort of worked for me, so if you can recommend someone with this illness maybe I can give them some of mine😂😂😂😂😂😂
A video posted by Freeze Coolfm (@daddyfreeze) on
Must Read: Daddy Freeze On Foreign Accent Reviewed by Unknown on 08:03:00 Rating: 5

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