Hilarious! Some Peoples Idea Of The Perfect Tattoos
Hilarious! Some Peoples Idea Of The Perfect Tattoos
Tattoos have been in the trend since forever, from the stone age when they marked thier bodies with hot knives or when they used some other means to mark the body or write something on the skin and then, as time went by, humans as we are, developed a way of making them temporarily and with less pain and after that some other people came up with the idea of making it permanent and though i can be painful but its not as painful as the older way.Now, a piece of advice to those who have tattoos and those who are planning to get tattoos. Please for the sake of yourself and people around you please take your mind of the ones you'll see right now.
Is this supposed to attract the girls, breakfast in bed? well, NO uncle!, you "gorrit" wrong even someone hungry for an omelet wouldn't want one anymore, after seeing that tattoo. yokk!
Father, in case you are trying to run off and deny your child, she has prof of paternity right on her arm and it's your face except you don't look like that
Ok Mr. you could as well, go get a speaker to announce it.
Ho this is disgusting, you love what you do so much you tattoo it to your hand?! guy, keep privacy private.
If you want strong abs, hit the gym
You are ging to cause kids to have bad dreams sir, please get that thing off your face!
Is that how you looked on you wedding day... NO... sister stop confusing your husband.
Hilarious! Some Peoples Idea Of The Perfect Tattoos
Reviewed by aisha adams
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