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4 Years After His Wife’s Death Bobby Brown Opens Up

4 Years After His Wife’s Death Bobby Brown Opens Up 

4 years after his diva of a wife passed on, bobby brown finally talks about their marriage as he marks the release of his auto-biography.

During an interview, the singer talks about his fourteen-year marriage to Whitney Huston who died in February 2012. On Whitney’s addiction and being accused of being responsible for it, the singer took the opportunity to clear the air "I have not initiated. I admit to being partly responsible but everyone has free will and some people are stronger than others.” Bobby says he saw Whitney take drugs for the first time on their wedding day, a few hours before going to the altar.
"It was not her. Drugs, it was not her. She took drugs but it was not her an addict."

When asked of abuse in his family, Bobby Brown acknowledges being violent to a recovery at a time when he was trying to" stay sober ".

Finally, when asked about the death of their daughter who passed on three years after her mother, he said; "We should have done better.” For me, there is no doubt that it is the same thing that happened to my daughter that happened to Whitney. And each time, there was the same person at their side. I will not say his name. the hardest thing I had to do in life, it was to let my daughter, my baby is gone. Thank God for being here again.”

4 Years After His Wife’s Death Bobby Brown Opens Up Reviewed by aisha adams on 13:51:00 Rating: 5

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