Donald Trump Says He Thinks Trans Genders Should Be Allowed The Right to Use Which Ever Toilet That They Feel Appropriate
Donald Trump Says He Thinks Trans Genders Should Be Allowed The Right to Use Which Ever Toilet That They Feel Appropriate
Following the discrimination faced by trance genders in Northern Carolina, while speaking at a town hall meeting today at the Donald trump Tower. The presidential candidate said he felt trans genders should be left to use which ever toilet they feel appropriate adding that the North Carolina law against trans genders using any toilet of their choice was a very powerful step which would end up affecting them. Trump was further asked how he would react if Caitlyn Jenner were to walk into the Trump Tower and decides to use the toilet, he simply said he wouldn’t have a problem with it further stating that even separate toilets for trans genders isn’t a very good idea as it will look discriminatory.
Donald Trump Says He Thinks Trans Genders Should Be Allowed The Right
to Use Which Ever Toilet That They Feel Appropriate
Reviewed by Teyus
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